Hot News! JetPens is carrying Midori brass bullet pencils! $21. Oh, yeah. (via
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The Hunt continues….
Anyone who knows me (or who has followed this blog for any amount of time) knows I have a thing for the color green, particularly in the yellow-green hues but any green is better than the finest red or purple or blue in my world. So I, of course, will buy any green pen that…
Ink Drop Samples: February 2012
I just joined the Ink Drop, the Goulet Pens monthly subscription service that sends five ink samples directly to subscribers every month. I was lucky enough to subscribe in time to receive the February Valentine’s Day assortment which included Noodler’s Purple Heart and Black Swan in Australian Roses, Diamine Pink Hope, Waterman Red and Private…
Red/Blue Pencils
Pencil Talk has reviewed a few obscure bicolored (red and blue) pencils which, in and of themselves, are fairly rare these days. I love the idea of having a double-ended pencil with red and blue but does anyone know the original purpose for using these? (via pencil talk)
Simply Hue is one of the many facets of Vicki Dvorak’s creative life. She teaches the Raining Umbrellas creativity course to help inspire others, and acts as a color consultant as well as being a prolific blogger. Add to that these iPhone cases which feature some of her lovely photography. Fitted cases for $35, skins…
The Honest Boy pencil sharpener. $9.99 (via Perpetual Kid)
Glass pens and flexible nibs accompanied by bottles of ink. This is as low tech as you can go when it comes to writing. And still the most beautiful expressive way to write. (via thingsorganizedneatly)