The perfect fashion accessory for the Pencil Set. This solid sterling beauty even uses a KUM sharpener with replaceable blade. $225 (via handmade charlotte )
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Pencil Rainbow
From the design team, Suck UK comes this rainbow of graphite pencils sprouting out of a giant gray cloud eraser. $15 (via UrbanOutfitters)
White-washed vignette
This lovely little secretary desk, with its rubbed white wash paint, surrounded by delicate pastels makes me want to settle down with a cup of tea and write letters all afternoon. (via Conspicuous Style)
Artist at Work: Audrey Kawasaki
Artist Audrey Kawasaki working at her desk. (via Suicide Blonde)
April Ink Drop: Better Late than Never
This month’s Ink Drop selection plays on the theme “April showers” with a range of blue hues from aqua to true blue. The colors are: Diamine Aqua Lagoon Noodler’s Blue Eel Noodler’s Ottoman Azure Noodler’s Turquoise Eel Waterman Mysterious Blue For more information, check out Goulet Pen Co. Ink Drop HQ.
Lost Somewhere in Asia
Just a reminder that through April 27, The Well-Appointed Desk is traveling in Hong Kong and mainland China and may be posting sporadically. I hope to have a couple stationery posts up tomorrow but please be patient. After the 27th, we will be back to a regularly scheduled posts from the US.
40 iPhone Features & Shortcuts
While the iPhone, in general, is relatively idiot-proof, there are some nifty features that do require some explanation or reminders that they exist. Appstorm collected 40 such tips that can help you be more efficient and just generally do more with your iPhone. I feel so much smarter! (via iPhone.AppStorm)