Look what just arrived in the post today! New tools from JetPens to be reviewed this weekend. In the mix is the Ohto Ceramic Pencutter recommended by Donovan at the Letter Writers Alliance, two Pilot Juice 0.5 gel pens in leaf green and blue black, a Uniball Signo DX 0.38 in Pantone-Color-of-the-Year Jade and a…
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Remington No. 10 Typerwriter
(via Christopher Stott, tip o’ the hat to Paper Pastries)
Clearly Ruled
This stunning lucite ruler features large Helvetica numbers screenprinted in alternating white and black and is 13″ long instead of the more common 12″ or 18″ lengths. Quite a unique piece. (via Type In Use with permission from the owner/photographer, Chris Purcell)
Specialty Printable Papers
Are you working on a digital project that you might need to sketch out on paper? Geekchix collected an assortment of iPhone templates, wireframing templates, “paper browsers” and grid templates that can be downloaded and printed out as needed. There are also links to pre-printed sketchbooks specifically useful for planning your next digital project. See?…
Happy Doodle Varsity Fountain Pen
I may have a less-than-loving relationship with the Pilot Varisty pen but my friend Flora loves hers so much she drew a darling picture of it. (via Happy Doodle Land)
Word Notebook Winners!
Let’s get right to the winners: The first winner is #2 and our letter loving friend, Derrick Dodson and he is getting the orange book. The second winner is the dark lord of pens, Ivan R and I’ll be sending him the camo version. Expect an email soon so you can send me your address.…
Washable Blues
I was thumbing through the Miquelrius medium flexible 300 grid paper book I use for all my pen and ink testing, when I stumbled across this comparison between the vintage Sheaffer Scrip Washable Blue and the more recent Diamine Washable Blue. I think the Sheaffer Scrip Blue looks more like a blue-black and the Diamine…