Planning to renovate or decorate your workspace? Start with a good desk and build from there. This Eames desk from DWR is a favorite of mine and would be the perfect foundation for a quirky mid-century-inspired work space. Check out the full Desk Extravaganza onĀ  Design Sponge.

I have been following the progress of Rickshaw Bags for about a year or so now and I’m just thrilled to pass along information about this feisty little company out of San Fransisco. They started out making messenger bags but really started to draw attention when they turned their focus to Moleskine Folios. These creations…

Diacarta is a visual calendaring application for the iPhone. Its simple with icons and a visual representation of events. Great way to keep track of personal tasks but probably not suitable for business. Does not (yet) sync with iCal or support repeating events. But its pretty! Available on iTunes for a mere $1.99, its certainly…