A 2B beechwood pencil that doubles as a top? Ortie Design has created this clever little bit of entertainment. While I’m not sure what the large bulb does for the weighting of the pencil, watching the graphite markings while it spins would be totally mesmerizing. Looks like the Spincils are currently available only in shops…
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Vanity Fair Desks
Each month, in Vanity Fair magazine (and on their website) there is an annotated photo of a famous person’s desk. For the pen geek, its a treat to see that Jerry Bruckheimer collects ornate fountain pens, that Lorne Michaels office looks just like the set created for Sutdio 60 on the Sunset Strip, and Trey…
Pitch Black is the new black
Field Notes heard us. They announced last week that they are now offering an open-stock (non-limited) black edition of their classic Field Notes pocket notebook. Its called Pitch Black and features French Paper Company 100lb “Blacktop” covers with grey text on the cover. On the inside is the same white 50lb Finch Opaque paper but…
Happy Fountain Pen Day!
Thanks to former Hallmarker and lettering artist Chris Purcell for this lovely greeting for Fountain Pen Day. UK-based Pen Heaven has a lovely list of fountain pen facts to share today. Show your fountain pen pride today! Or maybe use today as an excuse to buy that new pen you’ve been eyeballing.
Countdown Clock
This awesome clock is not only streamlined and retro but features a fabulous countdown flip section. Countdown to 33 different occasions like She’s Back (or He’s Back), Baby’s Due, School’s Out, Reunion,The Big Night, and many others. Currently on sale at the MCA Store online for $49.95. (Via Better Living Through Design)
Desk with a View
I’m feeling like what my work space needs, more than anything, is a view of the outdoors. Does your office or workspace have a window? Is your desk strategically placed so that you can peek out of it every now and then? If not, it might be time to move so that you can see…
The Desk Looks Good On European Paper
The folks over at European Paper, an online paper goods shop located in Colorado (not really Europe at all!), have taken some of my desk and office pins from Pinterest and combined them with some of their lovely paper goods and featured them on their blog. Click on the images to see EP’s product recommendations…