Fountain Pen Review: PenBBS 469 Double Nib Fountain Pen

Fountain Pen Review: PenBBS 469 Double Nib Fountain Pen

What do you do when you see a DOUBLE NIB fountain pen? You buy it, of course. The PenBBS 469 Double Nib Fountain Pen ($49) is just such a pen. The pen features the super smooth fine and medium nibs with an eyedropper filling system. There are rubber gaskets along the threads to eliminate any…

New Year, New Giveaway: Laban 300 Skeleton Fountain Pen in Rose Gold

Back in February 2020 (I know, it seems like 10 years ago doesn’t it?) Goldspot Pens gave us the opportunity to borrow and review a Laban 300 Skeleton Fountain Pen in Rose Gold.  You can find our review here. Today, we’re able to give that pen away to one lucky blog reader! So let’s get…

Brush Pen Review: Kuretake Zig Fudebiyori Metallic

Brush Pen Review: Kuretake Zig Fudebiyori Metallic

Review by Tina Koyama It’s planner prep season, and it’s also time to start thinking about (say it ain’t so!) the holidays. I took care of both with one set of brush pens: the Kuretake Zig Fudebiyori Metallic set of 8 colors (8/$17 or $2.50 each). Although I have a gazillion brush pens and use…

Fountain Pen Review: Platinum Procyon Maki-e, Brush Warbler on Plum Tree

As Ana noted yesterday, there are many reasons we collect pens. Sometimes I’m attracted to a pen because I love how it feels in my hand, or the way the nib writes. Sometimes I’m attracted because it’s just gosh darn pretty. Several weeks ago I spied the Platinum Procyon Maki-e, Brush Warbler on Plum Tree…

Fountain Pen Review: TWSBI Swipe in Smoke

I haven’t gotten a new TWSBI since I got my Eco in Rose Gold, so I decided to check out the new TWSBI Swipe in Smoke ($26.99). I’ll be honest and say that the last TWSBI release, the GO, just didn’t appeal to me aesthetically speaking. For some reason, the Swipe did. The TWSBI Swipe…