Manuscript Notebooks is a company that specializes in notebooks with a literary bent. They offer Large (A5), pocket (passport) and hardcover (pocket-sized) notebooks featuring classic literature covers. The covers are a matte finish coated stock rather than the uncoated paper used by a lot of other companies giving it a slightly more durable feel. On…
Showing all posts in Paper Review
Review: This Is Ground Medium Leather Notebook Cover & Notebooks
What could be hidden inside these silky, black nylon bags? I wondered the same thing when they mysteriously arrived in my mailbox recently from This Is Ground, most known for their high-end leather goods designed to hold electronics like iPads and iPhones. What I found inside the luscious bags were two perfect-bound notebooks (perfect, of…
Notebook Review: Baron Fig Vanguard Black Box
The Baron Fig Vanguard Black Box is probably no longer a big secret but I’m going to hide the photos of the actual covers of the notebooks behind a “read more” so if you don’t want to have the surprise ruined, you don’t have to click through. Especially since the NEW Vanguard Edition launched last week.…
Review: Plumchester Square Sketchbook
Review by Tina Koyama When I first saw it, I was immediately thrilled by the rich plum color of the new Plumchester Square Sketchbook – with a yellow-gold elastic and matching ribbon bookmark! I don’t know about you, but I don’t see nearly enough of the purple/gold complement anywhere, much less the stationery world. Let’s…
Review: Wanderings Traveler’s Notebook
I received the Wanderings Notebook to review not long ago and wanted to give a good thorough field test before I wrote my review. It will look like most of the leather, Midori-like notebooks you’ve seen on Etsy and other sites and wonder “What’s the big deal?” And that’s part of the big deal. There’s…
Notebook Review: Baron Fig Askew, Work/Play II and Planner 2017
I’ve developed quite the stack of Baron Fig products to review so I decided to roll them all up into one big review. Over the past few weeks, I’ve gotten the Work/Play II ($20), the Planner 2017 (sold out) and the quite controversial Askew ($20). So, let’s work through the list. Each book is similar in size (5.4″…
Massdrop: Ferme à Paris Planner, Calender & Notecards
Massdrop did a mass drop on me this week with some of the new products they are stocking from Ferme à Papier. They sent me the new Yearless Planner (currently $21.99), the Desk Calendar (currently $24.99) and the boxed Thank You Cards (currently $19.99). The planner is 5″x8″ with a perfect bound spine and decorative…