Notebook Review: Endless Recorder

I always love trying new paper so when Ana presented me with The Endless Recorder to try, I was thrilled. The Endless Recorder (€18.14 or $21.96) is a journal designed in Madrasa and manufactured in India. It is an A5 hard-bound journal, with a leatherette cover available in Deep Ocean (Blue), Infinite Space (Grey), Crimson…

Product Review: William Hannah A5 Notebook

Product Review: William Hannah A5 Notebook

After reading Jaclyn’s post a few weeks ago about her customized William Hannah A5 discbound notebook cover (starting at £99), I realized how much I had always wanted one. Compared with other discbound systems, the William Hannah covers are definitely on the luxury end of the spectrum. The covers are leather, with durable metal rings…

Notebook Review: Leuchtturm 1917 Some Lines a Day

Notebook Review: Leuchtturm 1917 Some Lines a Day

Review by Tina Koyama A lifelong journal keeper, my mom used various diary and journal formats throughout her life. One I remember her using when I was a child was a small, five-year diary. Each page was headed by the date, and below that were five small spaces, one for each year. My mother, a…