First, congrats to everyone who attempted and or completed Inktober. I didn’t get nearly as far along on my Inktober as I had wanted. I got about 24 or so of the 31 drawings done. Some I did twice because I didn’t like how they turned out the first time. I didn’t stick to my…
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Recap: Dallas Pen Show
This year I drove to the Dallas Pen Show. It’s about an eight hour drive from Kansas City to Dallas through the flat lands of Kansas and Oklahoma with the occasional respite of tollbooth and gas station. While I like seeing the country, this particular stretch of the US needs to be seen once or…

OMG! It’s Inktober!
I can’t believe its the first of October already! It totally snuck up on me this year. This is probably late for many people to start thinking about the annual Inktober challenge but, at the same time, I don’t think that this should be something that is so intimidating to do that you can’t start…

Ordering Sailor Studio Inks from Dromgoole’s (Sponsored Post)
We have posted about this before but we wanted to let you know AGAIN… in time to get some of the amazing Sailor Studio Inks and have them delivered to you at either the Dallas Pen Show OR the Colorado Pen Show. So, read on, good friends, for all the details! Sailor has made it…
SF Pen Show 2019 Recap
Once again, the SF Pen Show was so busy I forgot to take pictures. Luckily, so many other people did take pictures. If you want to see more photos, check out the hashtag on Instagram #SFPenshow2019. Here are some highlights. Most of them are of the people which are, of course, the best part of…
Giveaway Winner: JetPens Gift Card!
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping lists with us (my shopping cart hasn’t grown a bit….). Of course there can be only one winner and this time it’s Jessie! Congratulations Jessie – we can’t wait to see what you pick!

More Stellar Goods from The Desk & Skylab!
I am so excited to share with you more of the products we’ve been creating. We wanted to have them ready so that we could launch them at the San Francisco Pen Show. First, we have a new coaster set which has been in our brains for years but the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo…