Link Love: Lifehacking

There are two excellent websites for lifehacks: Lifehack and Lifehacker. In amongst general information on how to get fit, eat better and be more productive are recommendations for work-related topics, zero-ing out your email inbox and app recommendations. This week I decided to cherry pick a few of my favorite recent articles from these sites…

Nib Knowledge

Richard’s Pens created a fabulous document explaining and diagramming the differences between a regular fountain pen nib versus a stub or italic nib. If you’ve been listening to the Pen Addict podcast or frequents FPGeeks, this little document will make you feel wiser and better informed about the uses and differences of these nibs. (via…

Ruled Paper

Found while trolling the internet: a post on Wikipedia on Ruled Paper. The post goes into detail about ruled paper specifications for the US and some European countries and Japan. I notice dot-grid and Doane paper is not mentioned. Is it time to submit an addendum to the article? Anyone ever actually seen Pittman Ruled…

Link Love: Write it down now

This is what happens when I don’t do a Link Love for over two weeks: it becomes epic! Sorry its so long but I didn’t want anything to get overlooked or skipped. Handwriting Month: January is National Handwriting Month (via Letter Writers Alliance) January 23rd is National Handwriting Day (via Detroit Free Press) Why email…