Link Love: The Deja Vu Edition

A lot of topics I’ve mentioned in the past, have made appearances on other blogs this week. I thought I’d start with those… Note: In this section, the first link is my original post and the links in parentheses are the posts from other bloggers. Write Notepads (via Pencil Revolution and My Pen Needs Ink)…

Link Love: Holiday Mail and More

Letter Writing and Postal Follies: USPS Holiday Postal Deadlines (via Letter Writers Alliance) SF Snail Mail Social on Friday, December 7 (via Good Mail Day) Paper Parcel Monthly Subscriptions (via Saturday Morning Vintage) Vintage V-Mail WWII stationery (via Missive Maven) How to Write the Perfect Holiday Letter (via Crane & Co.) Encouraging Thank You Notes…

Link Love: Miscellany Loves Company

There were lots of hard-to-categorize bits of wonderfulness on the pen-blogospere this week including the epic link list from the Pen Addict Podcast Gift Guide Episode (#81) which is a link list onto itself. Fabulous Miscellany: Pen Addict Podcast #81: You stole my Wish List Item featuring ME! with huge link list (via 5by5) Cut…

Link Love: Overdue Again

Pencil acquisitions from Kinokuniya (via Paper Pastries) Inks: Iroshizuku Yu-Yake (via Fountain Pen Quest) Iroshizuku Fuyu-gaki (via East West Everywhere) De Atramentis Plum (via Ed Jelley) Rohrer & Klingner Scabiosa Review (via The Pen Addict) Pens and Pencils: Kaweco Art Sport Fountain Pen (via The Pen Addict) — really JEALOUS! Hero 359 Summer Safari (via…


Hot News: Penmanship Workshop (on Thursday in Chicago!) (via Behind The Curtain) Nock Co. Reviews and Previews: The Nock Co. Hightower 3+1 (via The Clicky Post) The Nock Co. Sassafras (via From The Pen Cup) The Nock Co. Lookout Pen Case (via Ed Jelley) Postal Enthusiasm: William H. Gross Stamp Gallery Opening (via Smithsonian Postal…

Lifehacker Gets Me

This morning, Lifehacker featured a great post asking readers to contribute their favorite pencils in the comments and, boy howdy, are there some great pencils featured. Is your favorite pencil listed? But, lo and behold, they had a related link for their Five Best Notebooks. While I don’t agree on all accounts, its a great…