Pencil Revolution Color us tickled pink (or, more appropriately, graphite grey), The Well-Appointed Desk has been added to the Comrades at Arms on Pencil Revolution. We love you too!
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EcoSystem notebook giveaway
EcoSystem notebook giveaway Actress Alicia Silverstone is a fan of the EcoSystem Life notebooks and is hosting a giveaway on her blog, The Kind Life. Tweet what you do with your #EcoSystemLife notebooks and you could win a set of books, compliments of Ms. Silverstone and EcoSystemLife.
Fresh Starts in September
Fresh Starts in September Hot on the heels of our back-to-school enthusiasm, author Jennifer Weiner talks about how September is the new January and the best time to make a fresh start. It’s paradoxical, I know. Fall represents the end of things: the summer, and the year drawing to a close. But for anyone who…
Simple + Bold: momentum…
Simple + Bold: momentum… if one of your goals is to remove clutter from your home and/or office… the best thing to do is to get some momentum. going through this myself, if you just start the process, it becomes easier and easier to remove stuff/clutter from your life.. some advice: 1. decide to remove…
BeautifulMac Need a good resource for gorgeous desktop wallpapers to spice up your Mac? BeautifulMac is a great source. The site specializes in high rez wallpaper and the occasional article on macs, minimalism and photography. Definitely someone we’ll keep our eye on!
Simple + Bold: things that make life worth living, vol. 2
Simple + Bold: things that make life worth living, vol. 2 A gentle reminder that writing by hand is a pleasure, especially when done with a good pen and nice notebook. simplicityssake: a few little things, none of us should take for granted: 1. writing, with a good pen, in a moleskine notebook… 2. the…