This is a lovely audio story about how pencils and paper still make an impact on people. What would take to a desert island? Pencil and paper, of course. Favorite items in your “dream pencil case”? Hear more by listening to the story on the BBC.
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Rhodia vs. Rhodia R
I’ve been curious about the difference between a traditional Rhodia pad and the new Rhodia R pads. Enter Writer’s Bloc with their side-by-side comparison between the two pads. The biggest difference between the two is the paper inside. Click through to read the whole review. (via Writer’s Bloc Blog)
Fountain of Knowledge
New to fountain pens or curious to learn more? Check out the new Fountain of Knowledge section on the Goulet Pen Company web site. What a fabulous resource! (via Goulet Pen Co.)
Refill Finder
Refill Finder Find the refill you need for just about any kind of rollerball, ballpoint, gel pen, liquid ink for fountain pens or lead for pencils at this shop. Fisher Space Pen? Check. 5.6mm colored leads? Check.
One Notebook or Many?
One Notebook or Many? Notebook Stories considers the pluses and minuses of using one notebook to rule them all or choosing single themes for each book. What do you prefer?
Resolve to write in 2012
Resolve to write in 2012 (via beinggeekchic entry re-published in its entirety) I’ve been talking a lot about resolutions around here. If you’re a writer, but can only seem to muster the energy to write a tweet everyday – then this 5-year journal is for you. When 140 character tweets are the new micro-novel, this…
Advocating paper correspondence in a digital age
Advocating paper correspondence in a digital age This article is a great round-up of resources and reference regarding letter-writing from Letters of Note and Letterheady to organizations inspiring more paper correspondence in this digital age of ours.