Link Love

Pens and Ink: How wide is a BB nib comparison (via Lady Dandelion) A First-timers View of a Pen Show (via No Pen Intended) Paper: Find out all about Sketchnoting, a notetaking technique coined by Mike Rohde (via Rohdesign) Journlet art-quality refills for Midori Traveler and Pelle Journals (via Observe Closely) Unruled composition notebooks for…

Link Love: Friday Edition

Pens and Ink: Nib Grinds and Sizes (via Ink Nouveau) Monetverde Invincia Stealth 1.1mm Review (via Ivan R on FP Geeks Forum) New Fluorescent Pens and Pencils from Moleskine (via Notemaker) Make your own black walnut ink (via Freeplaycraft) Ink comparison: J. Herbin Diabolo Menthe v. Caran d’Ache Carribean Blue (via East…West…Everywhere) Pepper Spray “Pen”…