Link Love: Slow News Week

Leuchtturm 1917 Notebook Video Review (via Ink Nouveau) Pilot Hi-Tec C 0.4mm Review (via Gourmet Pens) Ode to the Pink Pearl (via Design Sponge) Tiny Post Offices (via Present & Correct) Journaling School (via Notebook Stories) (Thanks to all my favorite blogs, twitter friends and email contacts who keep me posted on the latest pen/pencil/paper…

Link Love: Lots of Pens with Video Bookends

(video of hand-lettered cards with the lyrics to Bob Dylan’s Subterranean Homesick Blues from Leandro Senna.  It looks like it was lettered with an assortment of Pigma Micron and Faber-Castell PITT artist pens) Fountain Pens Interchangeable Lamy Nibs (via East West Everywhere) Why Lamy Al-Star/Safari/Vista is a good First Fountain Pen (via Inktronics) An Economy TWSBI?…

Link Love: Pen and Papers and Inks, oh my!

Pens, Inks & Pencils AvantNext 0.5 mm Gel Pen (via From the Pen Cup) To Write a Mockingbird (via Pencil Revolution) J. Herbin 1670 Bleu Ocean video (via Penpaperandco) Sharpie vs. Bic Mark It (via Office Supply Geek) Shades of Black (via JetPens) Namiki Falcon Write-up (via The Penny Writer) Paper Goods The Guardian devotes…

Link Love: Something For Everyone

Pens: Basic Nib Tuning (Ken Cavers) Nibs, Feed and How They Come Together (Pentorium) Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto 4 vs 5 (Gourmet Pens) Pencils: TWSBI Precision Mechanical Pencils (TWSBI) Palomino Blackwing 602 Review (Ready Dot) Paper: In Defense of the Power of Paper (NYTimes) DIY Book Covers (Discover Paper) Choosing a Sketchbook (Ethereal Voices) What Catches…