Pens: Pentel Tradio Energel Combo Pen (via Ed Jelley) Kaweco Squeeze Fountain Pen Converter (via Pen Addict) Lamy Multi-Pen (via My Pen Needs Ink) Retro 51 Tiger Shark (via Pens and Junk) Pilot Precise Grip (via Office Supply Geek) Pilot Custom 823 (via Gentleman Stationer) Ink: Signature Ink And A Color Wheel (via Inkophile) Papier…
Showing all posts in Link Love
Link Love: Write It, Sketch It, Ink It, Plan It, Then Photograph It
Pens: What Not To Do (via From The Pen Cup) Pentel Touch Pen Meets A Midori Traveler’s Notebook (via Inkophile) Back in Brass: Kaweco Supra Fountain Pen (via A Fool With a Pen) Pen Addict Retro 51 Is Here (via Pen Addict) Pelikan Classic M205 Transparent Blue Demonstrator (via Gentleman Stationer) Ink: Waterman Mysterious Blue…
Link Love: Lefties, DC and a Bigger Box
Links of the Week: Ink honor of Left-Hander’s Day, this week’s Links of the Week are left-handed-centric. Feel the lefty-love! Left-Handed Pens & Writing Supplies (via JetPens Blog) Midweek Mojo Left Handers (via Anderson Pens) Pens: Franklin-Christoph Model 03 Iterum Fountain Pen (via Pens! Paper! Pencils!) Paper Mate InkJoy Gel Ten Pen Set 0.7mm (via…
Link Love: Kaweco Interviews & DC Recaps
Pens: Platinum Natural Weasel Hair Brush Pen CF-5000 (via Pen Addict) J. Herbin Calligraphy Markers (via Gourmet Pens) Franklin-Christoph SIG Nib (via Pen Addict) Retro 51 Ocean Slim Tornado Ballpoint Pen (via The Finer Point) Everyman Grafton, Gel Ink, 0.7mm (via Pens and Junk) Pentel Touch Brush Tip Felt Pen (via Inkophile) Zebra Sarasa Dry…
Link Love: Pencil Diversity, DC Pen Show & Click Bait!
Posts of the Week: Its been a week of hot-button discussions surrounding the next editions of the Blackwing Volumes and the hopes that women and minorities might be represented in future editions. That said, I suspect that the next edition is well through production already so if Blackwing has not addressed folks concerns about gender…
Link Love: Late But Lovely
Pens: Best Non-Fountain Pens for Everyday Use, Part II: Non-Disposable Pens (via Gentleman Stationer) Kuretake CocoIro Lettering Pens (via Owl.Ink) Rotring Quattro Multi Pen (via Office Supply Geek) Tactile Turn Gist Fountain Pen (via A Better Desk) Pen Hack: Tinkering with TWSBI’s (via Contemplations of a Kitty) Sneak Peek: Review Lamy LX Fountain Pen (via…
Link Love: Deep, Papery Thoughts
Pens: Edison Collier (via United Inkdom) News: M205 Aquamarine Special Edition Demonstrator (via The Pelikan’s Perch) TWSBI Diamond 580AL Lava Fountain Pen (via The Pencilcase Blog) When promises are not delivered: The Parker 5th (via Pen Addict) Retro 51 Slim Tornado (via Pens and Junk) Montblanc Heritage Rouge et Noir Coral Fountain Pen (via Pen…