Link Love: No Game of Thrones Spoilers

Link of the Week: This is the best, most-thorough and accurate review of the Platinum Classic inks I’ve seen yet. It’s also stunningly beautiful. I wholeheartedly agree that the Platinum Classic inks exhibit iron gall-like properties but are not true iron gall inks. My impressions on Platinum Classic (‘iron gall’) inks (via The Clumsy Penman’s…

Link Love: Rare Ink Colors & Writing Notebooks?

Post of the Weird: You can spend $100 on a fountain pen that will last you a lifetime, but those fancier pens come with hidden costs: new nibs, rare ink colors, writing notebooks, and customized ink converters. Hidden costs? Rare ink colors and writing notebooks? What’s this guy talking about? And how are “writing notebooks”…

Link Love: L’Oural, Ana!

Pens: Kaweco Perkeo Fountain Pen (via Pencilcase Blog) Kaweco Perkeo (via The Finer Point) Video: Nib Newbs Montblanc LeGrand (via Anderson Pens Blog) Dear uni-ball, I give up (via Bleistift) You Should Build a Salad Spinner Centrifuge (via The Economical Penster) Two Upcoming Fall (Pelikan) Releases (via Pelikan’s Perch) Nakaya Piccolo Writer (via Macchiato Man)…