This week we have more gift guides from around the pen community (and satellites) plus two posts about the Trigg Life Mapper, a new planner on the scenes. There are two new guides from JetPens blog this week, one for heavy handed writers and an overview of fountain pen inks. If you’ve never check out…
Showing all posts in Link Love
Link Love: Gift Guides Go!
The first round of Gift Guides and year-end round-up posts are out this week. This is how I know its the holidays! There will probably be more in the coming weeks… it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Gift Guides & Holiday Posts: Gift Ideas For Fountain Pen Users (via Fountain Pen Love) My…
Link Love: Dashing Off
Links are quick this week. Dashing home for the holidays! Enjoy! Pens: Récife Special Edition Artis Traveler Fountain Pen (via The Pen Addict) An ode to an ink-pen: Mitsubishi uni Pin (via My pencils draw worlds) Lamy cp1 multifunction pen & highlighter (via The Pen Company Blog) Zebra Mildliners (via Comfortable Shoes Studio) I really…
Link Love: Leaps of Links
There is SOOOOO much good stuff in Link Love this week, I don’t know where to begin. I say, click on every single link. Just do it. Work can wait. Dinner can wait. There are wonderful ink reviews, a great little intro piece on Art Journals, (oooo!) Jean Fick’s Notebook is amazing… everything Austin Kleon…
Link Love: Non-partisan, politics-free, stationery glee
There is no post-election coverage in this week’s Link Love. Just ink, pens, paper and other stationery goodness. There are a couple more recaps from the Toronto Show, an article about Why Fountain Pens are Cool (as if we didn’t already know that?) and a lovely piece about ink chromotography. Go forth and revel in…
Link Love: An Inky Canadian Embrace
Links of the Week: This week’s links are all New York, Toronto and Scriptus 2018-centric. I landed back in Kansas City on Monday night (almost Tuesday morning) and wet right back to work. And today, I have company coming to town – all the way from Australia. So it will be Sunday before I can…
Link Love: Type and Toronto
I am currently aloft on my way to NYC for the first leg of the Pen Addict/Relay/Well-Appointed Desk North American Tour. Our first stop is Fountain Pen Hospital tonight at 6pm! For more information about the trip and all our adventures, tune in to this week’s Pen Addict podcast. NYC/Toronto Meetup details: Meetup: Wednesday, October…