First, this week, we are shamelessly plugging Jesi’s sister and her nieces Kickstarter project. Because we all need a chance to scare away bad dreams and make our dreams of entrepreneurship a reality. Nobody tell Emma and her little sister what a drag order fulfillment and logistics can be, okay? Of course, she’s going to…
Showing all posts in Link Love

Link Love: Quintessentially Link Love
Whether this is the first time you’ve ever read Link Love (if it is, welcome!) or if you’ve been checking in every week for years (if so, thanks for coming back!), this week’s links are so quintessentially link love as to make me laugh a little. I think the only thing missing is a knitting…

Link Love: The Original Comfort Food
When our own personal worlds spin out of control, sometimes its nice to have the consistency and comfort of our familiar routines — the things that bring us joy. This week, that’s what Link Love is for me. There has been a slew of emotional upheavals this week among myself and my friends. Between my…
Link Love: 30 Days of Inky Ideas
Depending on the month, the links I find will lean heavily based on trends. Last month was planner release month so the Notebook & Paper category was poppin’. This month is Inktober so the Art & Creativity category is where the action is. Next month, with NaNoWriMo, the Notebook & Paper category will get busy…

Link Love: Endless Notebook Reviews
I have to wonder if I’ve used this title before? But, ironically, we have a lot of Endless Recorder Notebook reviews this week. It seems that Endless is making a real effort to get its name out to the stationery community right now. There’s also lots of enthusiasm around Inktober this week and art supplies…

Link Love: Squirrel Loves Flower
This week, I had a hard time deciding which category to put a lot of these links. There are some in Arts & Creativity that, even if you think you’re not interested in a lot of “those” links might be worth clicking this week like the Eames spinning tops video or the hand-drawn illustrations of…
Link Love: Hubba Hub Love
Just two more days until Pelikan Hub 2019 and it feels like my whole world is revolving around this Friday night worldwide party. Of course, this is the first year that I am a hubmaster. Can you believe it? As an introvert, throwing a party makes me want to throw up so it’s taken the…