For me, this is my second week of social distancing/quarantine/lockdown. Tuesday was the start of a 30-day Stay-at-Home Order from the city of Kansas City. Previously, we were just recommended to practice social distancing, but this week things have gotten more serious. I would love to make Link Love entirely a place for escape from…
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Link Love: (Week One Quarantine)
Truly, I considered doing a post without a single mention of the viral infection that has left us all quarantined in our homes but I just couldn’t. So, I put most of the posts in their own section this week. That way, if you are sick to tears of all the gloom-and-doom, you can just…

Link Love: Covid-19, not Conid
Pen Show season is in full swing right now. The Baltimore, Long Island and London pen shows have just passed and the Arkansas and Atlanta are coming up in the next few weeks. That said, the fears of a pandemic-level outbreak of the Covid-19 virus has already lead to the cancellation of one pen show…
Link Love: Dancing about Typewriters
I drove to Baltimore with Lisa Vanness from Vanness Pen Shop and then we drove back to Little Rock and I drove on to Kansas City. It took a total of about 25 hours each way for me and I got home last night around 9pm. I collapsed in bed pretty much the moment I…

Link Love: Bakelite, Curidas and Abs?!?
I got to see a Platinum Curidas in person today. The nib is excellent and the retractable mechanism seems spot-on. The translucent plastic body looks a lot like the material used on the Prefounte. Do you see the plastic nub in the bottom right hand photo above? That is just above the nib opening. It…

Link Love: The Resurgence of Analog
Maybe its a coincidence or foolishly seeing patterns where there are none, but once again, this week’s cache of link provided a theme when I least expected one. That theme, though you might assume its every week’s theme isĀ the revival, renewal and continued passion around analog. As pen lovers, we have never really given…

Link Love: Ain’t Getting It Done
This week is the week leading up to the impending lay-offs at work. So, the sign above, from a post on Design You Trust, suits my outlook to a tee. I added in a screenshot from another Design You Trust post featuring honest Valentine’s greetings. Right now, it’s snowing buckets in Kansas City and I…