In an effort to get caught up on the Ink Drop subscriptions, I have done some quick swab swatches of the last two months worth. July’s Ink Drop theme was an all-American Stars and Stripes so it was chock full of reds and blues which are also some of the most popular colors in inks…
Showing all posts in Ink Review
Review: Caran D’ache Chromatics INKredible Colors Delicate Green
Someone recently asked me if I had a recommendation for a really good green ink. That’s such a loaded question for me. Are you in search of a jewel-toned kelly green? A green-black? A green ever-so-slightly hinted with blue? Maybe something woodsy? There are just too many variations when it comes to green to pick…
Three Drops in One: April, May and June Ink Drops
For some reason, doing Ink Drop reviews seem to take forever. Maybe its because I have to dip and clean a pen five times. Then I get behind and have to dip and clean a pen TEN times. This time, I’m THREE months behind. So, hopefully, this was worth the wait. Here’s the colors from…

Ink Review: Pilot Iroshizuku Ama Iro
I always think I’m not going to like blue ink. I think I expect blue to be pedestrian like those horrible blue ballpoints from school but then it would be inconceivable to compare PIlot Iroshizuku to a drugstore ballpoint. Ama Iro (Sky Blue) is a stunning blue like melted blue skies. The color is vibrant…
Ink Review: Noodler’s Bad Green Gator
I was so excited to get a bottle of Noodler’s Bad Green Gater ($12.50 for a 3 oz. bottle). A bulletproof green? This should be a win-win for me. But I have to confess that I was severely underwhelmed by this ink. Yes, it is waterproof. Yes, it is green. But the color is very…
Ink Review: J. Herbin Rose Cyclamen
As the weather warms up and I’m seeing the first peeks flowers and trees budding, I decided it was time to get out some brighter inks. I had this J. Herbin Rose Cyclamen ($9 for a 30ml bottle) from the massive ink haul I won last year from Julie B over at Pens Paper Inks…
Ink Drop: March 2014 Lasting Impressions
This month’s Ink Drop featured five inks known for their stay-put properties and titled the collection Lasting Impressions. These inks are all designed to be permanent or very water-proof. The colors featured were Rohrer & Klingner Salix and Scabiosa, Platinum Carbon Black (that dark sheen spot is dry ink though if I rub it with…