First Look: Birmingham Pen Co. Inks

First Look: Birmingham Pen Co. Inks

Laura’s Perspective: Recently, Ana introduced me to the Birmingham Pen Company and their own line of inks ($7.99 per 30ml). Birmingham Pen Company is located on the Southside of Pittsburgh, which was once called “Little Birmingham” due to the fact that it was a manufacturing hub in the 1900’s, like Birmingham was to England . Today,…

Ink Review: Colorverse Sunspot, Black Hole, Vortex Motion and Dark Energy

Ink Review: Colorverse Sunspot, Black Hole, Vortex Motion and Dark Energy

I’ve decided to dub this group of Colorverse inks the “goth collection”. When I started painting the names of the colors I realized that they all sounded like club nights or 90s goth clubs. I realize that’s totally dating me but what can I say? Out of context, Black Hole, Vortex Motion and Dark Energy…