Ink Review: IWI Colors of Nature Part 2

Ink Review: IWI Colors of Nature Part 2

The most recent ink line in my collection is the IWI Colors of Nature line. The line includes 24 colors so I will be presenting the collection in parts – today I’ll be covering the second set of 8 out of 24. I purchased my samples of IWI Colors of Nature inks at Vanness: each…

Ink Review: IWI Colors of Nature Part 1

Ink Review: IWI Colors of Nature Part 1

The most recent ink line in my collection is the IWI Colors of Nature line. The line includes 24 colors so I will be presenting the collection in parts – today I’ll be covering 8 of the 24. At the end of this post, I’ll examine the feathering issue I’ve seen with the collection. I…

Ink Overview: Papier Plume Cloud Gate (Chicago Pen Show Exclusive 2021)

Ink Overview: Papier Plume Cloud Gate (Chicago Pen Show Exclusive 2021)

Papier Plume created an extra special ink for the Chicago Pen Show 2021. The ink was named after an icon of the Chicago skyline, the Cloud Gate sculpture, AKA the Bean. In designing the Cloud Gate ink, Papier Plume chose a color that is a multi-color grey ink with hints of blue and purple. Then…

Ink Review: Private Reserve Old vs New Part 2

Ink Review: Private Reserve Old vs New Part 2

Last week I presented the first group of the new ink line from Private Reserve inks under the Yafa brand.  This week I will finish the PR inks that were sent out and just like last week, I have the old versions of each ink save one – Avocado. This group consists of 7 inks…

Ink Review: Private Reserve Old vs New

Ink Review: Private Reserve Old vs New

Private Reserve ink has had its share of controversy. I won’t elaborate on past issues in this post but instead, I will show some of the new colors and compare them with the original Private Reserve colors. Private Reserve inks can clearly be divided into old and new versions. The brand was purchased by YAFA…

Fountain Pen Ink Review: Taccia Hokusai-Sabimidori

I know it sounds like a tired cliche, but pride goeth before the fall. You may have noticed that I didn’t post last week on my regularly scheduled Tuesday. Ana noticed and reminded me that even though I had just finished bragging about how reliable I was at knit night, I completely forgot to do…