Two weeks ago I started a multi-part review of Monarca inks – you can read part one here. Today’s review was delayed a week by the newest Sailor inks – they are quite distracting. But now I will continue on with part 2 of the Monarca inks and show Arena Blanca, Nopal, and Manglar. These…
Showing all posts in Ink Review
Our Favorite Inks: Platinum Carbon Black
After writing about cartridges last week, I got to thinking about my favorite inks and have decided to start a series “Our Favorite Inks”. And while I would never presume to rank these inks in any sort of order (would you rank your children?) I knew I should start with one of my all-time favorite:…
Ink Review: Monarca Part 1
Another new ink manufacturer has entered the arena – Monarca. I was recently sent a collection of these inks to review. Since the ink line is so new, it can be hard to find retailers who carry Monarca but you can currently find this ink at Dromgoole’s. I’m starting with the first three inks: Cielo…
In Praise of Ink Cartridges
We spend a lot of time reviewing and promoting bottled fountain pen ink here on The Well-Appointed Desk. For as much as we love bottled ink, there is a time and a place for cartridges too. If, like me, you like to use fountain pens but work in an office environment (or maybe you are…
Fountain Pen Ink: Dominant Industry Autumn Forest
I first saw the Dominant Industry inks on Mike’s Friday happy hours (Inkdependence on YouTube). I filed them away as something I wanted to try and on a recent trip to Yoseka’s website, purchased a bottle of No. 11 Autumn Forest ($20 for 25mL). Dominant Industry is a South Korean company that makes special small…
Ink Review: Scribo Cannella
I’m going to start this review today with a photo that isn’t actually of this ink. I only purchased a sample of Cannella, although that may change soon, I still wanted to show what incredible bottles Scribo uses for their ink. These are 90mL bottles, glass, and they are heavy. The bottles are able to…
Ink Line Preview: Monarca Stationery Inks
Monarca Fine Writing Ink is a new line of inks from Mexico. The first thing that apparent from the outside is that these are from somewhere tropical. Each box features full color artwork of a desert or ocean landscape. There are four bottles in the “Caribe” line and four inks in the “SemiDesierto” and the…