Pilot Iroshizuku New Colors

Pilot Iroshizuku New Colors

It has been quite a while since Pilot has added new colors to their Iroshizuku line. The addition this year is bittersweet – three inks will be added but another three (Ina-Ho,  Tsuyu-kusa, and Tsukushi) have been retired. I was able to find a small box of 15mL bottles of the three new inks –…

Ink Review: Monarca Inks Part 3

Ink Review: Monarca Inks Part 3

I have finally come to the last three inks in the new Monarca ink line. These inks are getting easier to find with more retailers carrying Monarca – Vanness received a batch lately, and Dromgoole’s still has them in stock. The last three inks today are Cenote, Cardona, and Mar Caribe. Cenote is a deep blue…

Ink Review: Monarca Part 1

Ink Review: Monarca Part 1

Another new ink manufacturer has entered the arena – Monarca. I was recently sent a collection of these inks to review. Since the ink line is so new, it can be hard to find retailers who carry Monarca but you can currently find this ink at Dromgoole’s. I’m starting with the first three inks: Cielo…