I really wanted to title this post “EUREKA – I found it!,” but I understand that’s not the best for anyone to find it later, so I went with our traditional headline. But I’m here to say I think I found an ink that is an amazing match for the Pantone color of the year,…
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Ink Review: Octopus Write & Draw Brown Penguin
Today I’m carrying on Ana’s theme of wine, roses and chocolate for February with a yummy brown ink. This is still part of my quest to find some Pantone color of the year appropriate inks. Spoiler alert: this isn’t that brown, but it is lovely just the same! Octopus Write & Draw Ink Brown Penguin…
Ink Review: Diamine Blue Edition Gingerbread
It’s a new year, which means a new Pantone color: Mocha Mousse. I admit, much as last year I like the idea of the color, and the visuals surrounding the color, but not the literal paint chip. However, it means I get to delve into brown inks this year which is fun, because I don’t…

Inkmas 12: Happy Hannukah!
Although I’ve covered the reds and greens for Christmas, today I wanted to provide you with an array of blues. That’s because, this year, Hannukah starts tomorrow as well! As it turns out, I don’t have that many bottles of what I would consider pure blues in my ink stash. I tend towards teal blue…

Inkmas 11: Octopus Write & Draw Inks
Today, I thought I’d do a quick overview of some of the Octopus Write & Draw Inks ($19.50 per 50ml bottle). I have eight of the potential 36 ink colors currently available. These inks are designed to used in fountain pens as well as with brushes and dip pens. And it’s most notable feature is…

Inkmas 9: Sailor Shikiori Kasasagi
Inkmas day 9 is an ink I have a tough time showing in a way that brings out its true beauty. Sailor Shikiori Kasasagi. Kasasagi came out in the Shikiori line recently but never to much fanfare. It is a dark blue-teal that leans towards a dark gray with a understated black sheen. Kasasagi is…

Inkmas 8: Vinta Tabuan Purple Sea Star 2022
Today for Inkmas, we are taking a look at a rare beauty: Vinta Tabuan Purple Sea Star (2022) ($18 for 30ml bottle) , an exclusive ink from Enigma Stationery. Sadly, this ink is currently unavailable. I don’t know if the ink will be reproduced but I thought I’d share it just to show this unique,…