Fountain Pen Review: Super Weird Moonman

Fountain Pen Review: Super Weird Moonman

We don’t usually review Moonman pens since many seem to be copied from other established pen companies. However, this pen is different. Moonman pens are usually packaged similarly. A smooth cardboard box, dense foam, and an eyedropper (at least for pens that can be eyedroppered). This pen is the Moonman Q1 mini-eyedropper pen and has…

What’s Your Planner Style?

August is the start of planner season so we thought we’d spend this week figuring out what planner style best suits you. We’ll be using the Clutterbug organizational categories to help figure out which planner style suits you. If you’re not familiar with Clutterbug and her organizational system is quite an internet sensation. She has a…