Craftboy Workshop Reclaimed Reader’s Digest Blank Books

This is the second review of a Craftboy Workshop Blankety Blank Book. This book is made from reclaimed hardback covers from old Reader’s Digest Condensed Editions. Both the front and back covers are salvaged and filled with creamy hand stitched signatures of blank paper. The spine board is new book cloth selected to coordinate with…

Morning Pages

Lots of people have attempted to do Julia Margaret Cameron’s The Artist’s Way morning pages at some point in time. If you’re not familiar with the concept, the idea is that by writing three pages every morning, you can clear the mental clutter and get down to the core of your “real work” whether that…

Vintage Monarch Silverette Gem Paper Clips

Oh, lovingly photographed vintage office supplies will get me everytime. This time, I have Scout’s Honor to thank for this wonderful find. scoutshonorco: You just can’t beat vintage packaging. Found this old school box of paper clips at my great aunt’s house over the weekend. I love everything about it… Clean, simple, + totally free…