When is a signature not a signature? According to the Smithsonian, when the President of the United States needs to sign things, he employs an Autopen, a device that reproduces his signature with an actual pen. So, its his signature… but not. The device is a descendant of a creation used as far back as…
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Pentel B-100 Pen Review
Several months ago, my friend sent me this lovely little oddity. It is the Pentel B-100 Pen. Overall, the pen looks like your standard budget disposable pen. But its not what it appears. The body of all the pens are green (Pantone Color of the Year Emerald, I might add) with the tips indicating the…
Color Your Year, Pantone-style
Color your world, or at least your wall, with the 2013 Pantone calendar ($14.99). Designed by the legendary design firm Pentagram, each month is a pixel grid of colorliciousness. There is also a weekly desk agenda ($16.99) which also features a bevvy of color and inspiration. (via Felt & Wire, Pentagram and Amazon)
Zebra Dual Tip Permanent Marker meets its cousins
I was doing some office organization when I found this Zebra dual-tipped marker in my collection. The body of the pen, with the exception of the brand name, is written in Japanese but I’m pretty sure I acquired this gem from my company’s Hong Kong office or from a hotel in China last spring. Sorry…
Sparco Letter Opener
Awhile back I expounded on my love for an old plastic letter opener but bemoaned how hard it had been to found any new ones. Well, lookie what I found! It is from a company called Sparco and the cost for this little beauty was a mere $1.50 at the beloved Pieritz in Oak Park.…
Clairefontaine Crok Book Plain Notebook
The Clairefontaine Crok Book is a small, composition-sized notebook that is as plain as plain can be — and I mean that it in the best possible way. It has white cardstock covers with the Crok Book logo embossed on the cover and contains 48 pages of 90 gsm of smooth, bright-white paper. It is…
iPhone Gadgets
I do a lot of rethinking at the new year of how to organize my desk, both home and office, and things I have that I don’t use and things that I wish I had. One of the things I use more than I want to admit is my iPhone. I use the camera a…