I don’t know if you like changing your desktop wallpaper regularly but I do. Unfortunately, finding pleasing but not disruptive wallpapers can be quite challenging. So I was pleased to find that Oh, Hello Friend offers a free desktop wallpaper for your computer, cellphone or iPad each month. Most months the wallpaper is a lovely…
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Happy National Handwriting Day!
Today is National Handwriting Day, at least here in the US, though I don’t think too many people celebrate it with as much fanfare and enthusiasm as I do. The date of January 23 was selected because it is also the birthday of John Hancock, best known for his legible-but-large signature on the US Declaration…
Visconti Bakelite-Like Ink Cartridge Case
Last week, I got a tip about the Visconti Bakelite-like ink cartridge holders available on Choosing Keeping. Each sells for £4 and holds seven short European standard ink cartridge refills in a coordinating color to the case. Upon further research my friends found a US vendor selling the same item for $6.90 via Amazon.The prices…
Video: Lloyd Reynolds Calligraphy Lessons
Lloyd Reynold’s recorded twenty 30-minute instructional videos in 1968 and again eight years later in color to demonstrate and instruct on italic calligraphy and handwriting. At the 5-minute mark of the first episode, the demonstrations begin. Its a little slow but its over 8.5 hours of free calligraphy lessons, if its something you are interested…
Penpalling Around
As many of you know, I love to write letters. I am a card-carrying member of the Letter Writers Alliance and have accumulated a couple dozen pen pals over the past couple years. If one of your New Year’s Resolutions was to “write more” or “write more letters” or “improve your penmanship”, letter writing may…
Thanks and a Status Update
This past week was very challenging personally due to a sudden death in my family. I had to fly across the country. Under the circumstances, I just couldn’t blog last week. I hope to get back on schedule this week. Thanks to everyone who have left comments and kind words.
Pencil Week: Postponed
This week was planned to be my big Pencil Week with lots of links and reviews but, due to a family emergency, I will have to postpone it. It may be a little quiet around here for a few days but please visit some of the other wonderful blogs I’ve listed in the sidebar to…