I must confess I am a sucker for a good packaged set so when I spied the limited edition Staedtler Triplus Mobile Office Set ($11.50 per set), I clicked “buy it now” before I knew what happened. I also love triangular shaped tools like the Faber-Castell Grip 2001 so again, “buy. it. now.” The set came…
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Review: Iroshizuku Ku-jaku Peacock Ink
I am finally getting around to reviewing some of the dozens of inks I’ve accumulated. The first up was a random grab from the stash, Pilot Iroshizuku Ku-Jaku ($28 per bottle) which is a bright peacock blue. I’ve been using it in a variety of pens over the past week. Its a bright, deep turquoise blue. Pilot Iroshizuku…
Review: The Hightower from Nock Co.
I was lucky enough to receive an early prototype sample of the Nock Co. Hightower case in the awesome Kickstarter edition peacock. The Hightower is one of the six products in the initial product assortment from Nock Co. which is currently available through their Kickstarter page only. There is no branding on the outside. Its…
Ladies’ EDC: The Gold Edition
I know you boys out there talk about your EDC all the time. Well, I’m here to give the girls their five minutes. I mentioned a few months ago my desperate search for an easy EDC for the necessities of a modern girl’s life: phone, a couple credit cards, ID, some cash, pen, notebook and…
Flexible Workspaces
As working becomes more mobile, more wireless and more collaborative, do we still need a desk, a cubicle or an office? The Public Landscape Office suite by Yves Behar from fuseproject for Herman Miller addresses just this question. Do you prefer a flexible, open workspace or a more traditional desk, office or cubicle? I’ve posted…
Argh! Programming FAIL!
Attention, Readers! I am had a major code fail. If you have sent me comments or questions via the ASK THE DESK comment form, they fell into the Internet abyss due to a stray letter in my form code. It has be fixed! Please resubmit your comments and questions and I humbly apologize if you…
Shopping for a New Notebook: Nerd Style
Last week, I posted on Instagram the current state of my daily notebook. Its the Piccadilly A5 notebook I’ve been using for several months and its reached critical mass. Its bulging with taped, glued and stuffed-in bits of paper ephemera and I only have about 20 pages left. The time has come to select the…