Thanks to everyone who entered the super cute Lihit Lab Smart Fit PuniLabo Zipper Pouches giveaway! Sadly I only have one of each to give away. The lucky winners are: Dave and Pamela – I’ve already emailed you under separate cover. Congratulations!
Showing all posts in feature
Ink Review: Sailor Manyo, Anniversary Set
There’s a new release from Sailor Manyo inks – a 5th Anniversary limited edition! I find it hard to believe that nearly five years has passed since I reviewed the first round of Sailor Manyo inks. Since that time, Sailor has added to the Manyo lineup with a second full round and four dual shading…
Giveaway: Lihit Lab Smart Fit PuniLabo Zipper Pouches
Last time I wandered through JetPens I was absolutely taken with the Lihit Lab Smart Fit PuniLabo Zipper Pouches ($22) available in a variety of animal prints. I couldn’t decide which one was cutest, so I ordered the Panda case and the Pig case. These cases are zippered made of water-resistant silicone, and have zippers…
Shop News: Ink Sale!
I’ve gone through all my inks in my Ink 100 series and chosen selections and now is your chance to acquire all my overages. Inks are priced at approximately half of retail. And there are several rare and limited edition inks too! The inks have been used for reviews, swatches or a fill or two…
Ink 100: Part 5 The Final Reveal
This is the final part of my Ink 100 series. If this is the first time you’ve seen these posts, check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 to get caught up on this journey. Since I started this project, my goal was to keep at least one or two bottles of ink…
Ink 100: Part 4 Hitting My Goal
This is Part 4 of my Ink 100 series. If this is the first time you’ve seen these posts, check out Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 first to catch up on my inky adventure. Now onwards…! The Ink 100 project is reaching its conclusion (thank the ink gods… it feel like this went…
Giveaway Winner: Lamy AL-Star vs Safari
In the hotly debated Safari vs AL-Star I think the Aquatic AL-Star squeaked past the rest but there were lots of shoutouts for the Safari Violet Blackberry as well. Early in voting, it looked like the AL-Star Fiery was a real contender and the Safari Pink Cliff had lots of votes too. Overall, the votes…