Thanks to all of you who commented on the Giveaway Post telling me about your go to pen cases! I too have cases from Nock and Rickshaw and they accompany me to many a pen show. This Yenderings case is something really special though, and I wish I had one of these. This one, however,…
Showing all posts by Laura Cameron
GIVEAWAY: Yenderings Pen Roll
Today I’ve got a treat for you! A few years ago Ana picked up a Yenderings pen roll. The case is handmade, and gorgeous, and it isn’t getting used and loved like it should, so Ana is generously offering it up as a giveaway! For a short while, Yenderings produced a limited batch of pen…
GIVEAWAY WINNER: Peyton Street Pens Miwok 2
It’s that time again. The winner of the Peyton Street Pens Miwok 2 in Tortuga is: Cassie, I hope you enjoy your new pen and I can’t wait to see what ink you match to it! Stay tuned everyone…. I’ve got another giveaway post scheduled for tomorrow!
Fountain Pen Review & GIVEAWAY: Peyton Street Pens Miwok 2
Teri at Peyton Street Pens has been generous enough to send us lots of pens and paper for review and giveaway. We’ll be sharing them all in the next few weeks, but today I’ll talk about the Miwok 2. Teri actually designed this particular pen which is super fun! It’s called Tortuga, so named for…
Fiber Friday: What ink matches my knitting?
Sometimes you’re knitting on a project and you realize that the yarn you’re working with would make a wonderful ink palette. From my ink stash: Robert Oster Astorquiza Rot Pilot Iroshizuku Fuyo Syogun PenBBS #233 Nanjing Robert Oster Honey Bee
Fountain Pen Review: Platinum Prefounte
When I started my fountain pen journey, one of the first pens I loved was the Pilot Metropolitan (this was back in the day when they were the entry model and $15-18 a pop). From there I bought a TWSBI Eco and a Retro 51. While I still love what I consider inexpensive fountain pens…
News: Field Notes 50th Quarterly Edition!
We can hardly believe it but Field Notes is celebrating the release of it’s 50th quarterly edition this month! Though 50 is traditionally the “golden anniversary,” Field notes opted instead for bright red covers with silver ink, flyleaf colors reminiscent of past editions, and a special die cut. For our 50th edition we wanted to…