Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway for the Caran D’Ache 849 Claim Your Style Ballpoint Pen. We loved hearing all about your favorite ballpoints – lots of new things to try! The random generator has spoken and our winner is Jeremiah! Congratulations and we hope you enjoy your new pen!
Showing all posts by Laura Cameron
Thread + Ink: Spring greens.
This week I tried a new to me craft: embroidery. While I stitched on the Positive Plants kit from MCreativeJ ($31) my eye was one again drawn to my Col-o-Dex and all the ink colors it contains. This was was downright easy: Robert Oster Sublime Banmi Deep Green Colorverse Alpha Centauri C’mon spring!
Life Hack: Washi Tape Storage
Sometimes at the end of the day instead of doomscrolling I flip over to TikTok with the idea of watching a few inane videos. But every now and again something catches my attention and I’m sure my husband is tired of me saying “hey I saw this great hack on TikTok.” We all have washi…
Yarn + Ink Palette: Spring is Coming
This week is unseasonably warm and full of sunshine and it’s doing everything to raise my spirits. I’m also working on a new chicken for The City Girl Farm in an interesting mix of colors. I thought this post would be easy, until I went to pull inks swatched from my stash and didn’t find…
Journaling Reflections
At the beginning of this year, I looked at what was going on in the world around me, as well as my desire to journal a bit, and decided that I was tired of saving the good supplies for “one day” and that there was no time like the present. So I pulled out the…
Fountain Pen Ink: Dominant Industry Autumn Forest
I first saw the Dominant Industry inks on Mike’s Friday happy hours (Inkdependence on YouTube). I filed them away as something I wanted to try and on a recent trip to Yoseka’s website, purchased a bottle of No. 11 Autumn Forest ($20 for 25mL). Dominant Industry is a South Korean company that makes special small…
How many pens are in a collection?
How many pens make a collection? I ask because, well, I seem to have developed a little Kaweco AL Sport habit. At first I didn’t find the Kawecos aesthetically pleasing. I was fresh off a Lamy Safari experience with a molded grip that I didn’t enjoy and I didn’t want anything that was faceted. And…