Notebook Cover Review: Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter

Back in June when I went to a work convention, I wanted a somewhat slim, not too heavy notebook cover so I could carry a utilitarian notebook to record meetings I had, notes to myself and such. At the time, I had Ana’s Roterfaden Taschenbegleiter in a stack of items to try and review. So…

When Yarn and Stationery Collide: Blackwing X LolaBean Yarn Co

You know I love the intersection of stationery and anything knitting related. So I squeed last night when I received the most recent email from LolaBean Yarn Co. LolaBean Yarn Co. is a Georgia-based independent yarn dyeing company, headed by Adella Colvin. Adella named the company LolaBean in honor of her daughter, Lola, in the…