Giveaway Winner: TWSBI Eco in Cerulean Blue + Halloween Prize Pack

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you’ve got some treats to get you through the day. It’s time for me to make someone’s life a little sweeter with the TWSBI Eco Cerulean Blue giveaway, courtesy of The Gentleman Stationer. And our winner is: Congrats Jeremy! Wishing you all fun day of tricks and treats!

Another Effin’ Planner: Effin’ Birds 2023 Monthly/Weekly Planner Calendar

Now is generally the time of year when I start thinking about next year’s planner. For the past few years I’ve been using my friend Nikol’s Year of the Planner, and before that I loved Ruff House Print Shop’s Weekly Planners. I find having weekly spreads where I can make to do list and note…

‘Tis the Season for Advent Calendars – What’s your catnip?

I grew up in a Jewish household and didn’t celebrate Christmas until I became an adult, so as a kid I didn’t experience the fun of advent calendars. While traditionally created to celebrate the 25 day countdown to Christmas, I think today’s advent calendars can be fun for everyone. Basically, I think they’re a great…

A Mess of Kawecos: Introducing the Blue Iguana to the Collection

I’m not even going to call this a review because I’m not sure what differentiates all the Kaweco AL Sports I seem to have in my collection as truly separate writing instruments. Remember when I shared my new Kaweco x Hello Kitty in Opal Green I mentioned staying tuned? Well a limited edition Blue Iguana…

First Look: Kaweco X Hello Kitty AL Sport Part Deux

If you’re getting a sense of deja vu, let me reassure you this has happened before. But last week I found out about the NEW Kaweco x Hello Kitty Opal Green limited edition. Available in Gold or Silver this is another Taiwan exclusive edition. Like last year’s Pink edition, barrel is marked with both Kaweco…