Just last week I reviewed my new Pelikan M205 Apatite, so of course I had to check out the matching ink. As you know, each year I audition inks for addressing my holiday cards. My family and my husband’s family celebrate different religions, so the challenge is always to find something that’s festive and fun,…
Showing all posts by Laura Cameron
Fountain Pen Review: Pelikan Classic M205 Apatite Fountain Pen
Teal and turquoise are among my favorite colors, so when I saw the Pelikan M205 Apatite, it was an insta-buy (approx. $149.23 via Appelboom). I preordered early and waited for a while and last week it finally arrived! There’s not a lot to say about the M205 that we haven’t already said in the past:…
Yarn + Ink: Perfectly Primary
With all the amazing ink colors out there, sometime I just go back to the primary colors and marvel that these 3 hues can be mixed in various proportions to make all the other colors! Recently I finished a sweater that had the primary colors, plus turquoise thrown in. So I had to search through…
December is for finishing.
“Start as you mean to go on.” I don’t know about you, but I enjoy starting out the New Year with a fresh slate. This means that in the next month I’m reviewing everything I have going on and trying to figure out how I can finish as much in December as possible. On my…
Yarn and Ink: What’s in that pink?
It is now mid-November which means two fundamental things: I will forget that I need to take pictures early in the day, meaning they’ll now be badly (or artificially lit). You’d think after 44 years on earth I’d remember that fact, but every year I repeat the mistake. November is NaKniSweMo. For a little history…
Inky Musings
Recently Ana presented me with a Sea Foam L12 Erste from Hinze Pen Co (you can find her original review here) and I was presented with a common problem: what color ink am I going to use? I’m someone who loves all kinds of ink colors, and by virtue of working for The Desk, I…
What’s your state’s Sailor Ink Color?
For those of us who living in states that don’t already have a Sailor Ink color, have you pondered what your state’s ink color would or should be? My home state (where I was born and grew up), California, has already been done, and Jesi reviewed it previously: But I’m still waiting for Kansas, so…