Ana and I met up this past Saturday to exchange holiday gifts, sip coffee, chat stationery and knit. She presented me with a beautifully wrapped package and the first thing I opened was a fountain pen. For a second I gasped, but then she assured me it wasn’t what I thought it was. Ana had…
Showing all posts by Laura Cameron
Marker Review: Uni Posca Glitter Paint Marker Set
Review by Tina Koyama This seems to happen at least once or twice a year: I find myself craving some kind of glittery, sparkly product even as I insist that I’m not that kind of girl. At least this time I have the holidays as an excuse. I’ve lately been using standard Uni Posca Paint…
Boxing Day Musings: 2024
We hosted Christmas this year, so today I’m recovering from lots of cooking, dishes, entertaining and more. But now that the holiday is over, my thoughts turn to the next big milestone, the end of the year. This year I had some successes and failures in the planning, journaling, & stationery world. I loved my…
Inkmas Day 8: Diamine Blue Edition Jack Frost Shimmer & Sheen
Next up on my audition list was to find a good blue. Blue works exceptionally well for my holiday cards because my family is Jewish and my husband’s family celebrates Christmas, meaning it works as a somewhat neutral but still winter-ish, holiday-ish color. This year I was fascinated by the idea of Diamine Blue Edition…
Inkmas #2 – Ferris Wheel Press Wondrous Winterberry
Each year I approach Inkmas with a single goal in mind: find the ink to address this year’s holiday cards. While I don’t write messages to each person on my list, I do sit down and hand address each envelope, so each year I try to find the perfect ink for the job. This year…
Yarn + Ink: NaKniSweMo Edition
This past November was NaKniSweMo, which I’ve discussed on the blog in past years. Basically, during November when writers are trying to pen a novel of 50K words, us crazy knitters are trying to knit a sweater of 50K stitches. This year mine is really more of a NaKniSwe-Almost since I’ve still got half a…
Eye Candy: Vintage Mont Blanc Meisterstück 149
There’s this famous story in my family. Of how my grandfather took my grandmother, my father and my uncle to Europe in the 1950s. While there, he stopped in several different stores to try out Mont Blanc pens. And he dithered and hemmed and hawed and decided he needed a Meisterstück 149 and purchased it…