Ink Peek: Sailor Yurameku Inks, Round 2

Ink Peek: Sailor Yurameku Inks, Round 2

You may remember a long post on a new line of ink from Sailor – the Yurameku inks. While I have no official confirmation on it, I believe this is the place Sailor is tucking away some of their more experimental inks that do not clearly fit in any current ink lines. A huge thank you…

Hack Idea: A Traveling Dip Pen

Hack Idea: A Traveling Dip Pen

Dip pens are priceless when it comes to swatching inks, enabling the user to quickly and completely clean the nib between ink changes. There’s no other way to test several inks in a row. A great place to participate in such serial-ink-swatching is at pen meet-ups, either local or at more distant pen shows. Below…

Ink Review: Lapis Lullabies

Ink Review: Lapis Lullabies

Ferris Wheel Press has not been shy with the number of new inks they have released recently. Their latest collection, Alice in Wonderland, is part of the FerriTales line and recently concluded with Tears of Sapphire. But don’t worry! A new collection is beginning with today’s ink, Lapis Lullabies. I do love the detail in…

Ink Peek: Ferris Wheel Press Velvet Ballet, Land of Shangri-La, Atlas Iron Ore

Ferris Wheel Press has amazed me with the number of new inks they have recently released. This month was no exception, with four additional inks. Three of the inks are shown here today – The Velvet Ballet, Land of Shanghai-La, and Atlas Iron Ore. The Velvet Ballet is a great holiday or winter ink –…