Fountain Pen Review: Pelikan M600 Violet & White

Fountain Pen Review: Pelikan M600 Violet & White

By Jessica Coles Earlier this year, Pelikan announced the newest special edition: the Pelikan Violet & White M600 ($440-$535). As soon as I saw the photos of this pen, I fell in love with it and I wasn’t alone. Purple seems to be an especially rare color in the pen world. So far, I have…

Ink Review: Troublemaker Inks Petrichor

Ink Review: Troublemaker Inks Petrichor

By Jessica Coles It’s no secret – I love finding new inks.  New and exciting colors and bottles, new ink properties and behaviors to analyze and sometimes new adventures in finding, ordering and waiting for the delivery. Troublemaker Inks is a small and relatively new ink manufacturer located in the Philippines.  I say relatively new…

Ink Review: Robert Oster Dragon’s Night

Ink Review: Robert Oster Dragon’s Night

By Jessica Coles Today’s post will be light on the words, heavy on photos.  Some inks just speak for themselves and this one absolutely shouts. Among the plethora of new inks from Robert Oster are many beautiful colors including the new Dragon’s Night ink.  I received a sample from Pen Chalet where you can purchase…