Inkmas 5: Pelikan Edelstein Rose Quartz

Inkmas 5: Pelikan Edelstein Rose Quartz

Technically, Pelikan Edelstein Rose Quartz ($33.50 for 50ml bottle) was the Pelikan Ink of the Year for 2023. However,  I didn’t acquire a bottle until this year and then I forgot where I put it.  Despite Rose Quartz being a limited edition ink, there are still bottles floating around in various online pen shops. If…

Inkmas 4: Sailor Mint Jelly and Apricot Jam

Inkmas 4: Sailor Mint Jelly and Apricot Jam

Inkmas Day 4 already! Today we have a pair of inks that were created by Sailor exclusively for the Dromgoole’s store – Apricot Jam and Mint Jelly. Thank you to Dromgoole’s for sending these inks for a review! As delicious as these inks sound, please don’t taste them. The goodness is for your eyes only.…

Link Love: Looking Forward, Looking Back, Looking at Pantone and Thinking, “What?”

Link Love: Looking Forward, Looking Back, Looking at Pantone and Thinking, “What?”

As December continues to roll along, the recaps and end-of-year wrap-ups are starting to roll in and posts with “2025” in the name are starting to appear.  Is it weird that I track the movement of the year through other people’s blog posts? 2024 Recaps & Moving Forward: The 25 Best Films of 2024 (via…