Kids need a good desk too and this one is a great combination of shelving, display, storage and workspace that kids could grow with. (via string furniture)
Showing all posts by Ana
Apply 100% wood veneer to your laptop for a totally different look. Goodbye, brushed silver — hello, warm cherry wood! (via KARVT)
Use an assortment of clip boards above your desk as a “bulletin board. ” Covered with decorative papers or paint, it makes a quick, inexpensive visual statement. (via Martha Stewart)
Remodelista rounded up all the best desk accessories including this beautiful vintage-stlyed stapler from Kiosk.
Steal This Look: Instant Office Space From the photo pictured above, Remodelista gives ideas of places to purchase products to replicate the look fro the trestle table to the stapler.
Create a simple, craftsman-styled working desk from one sheet of plywood and the plans from Plan Canvas. Skills with power tools and a free weekend required to assmble. $6.99
Pixelated pencils! How fun! Great colors and the square shape won’t roll off your desk. Set of 12 #2 pencils for $7.99. (via Fred Flare)