Gold velveteen covered office chair. What a great way to dress up a plain chair. Paired with the silky white desk and matching sideboard — oooo lala! (via Rue Mag)
Showing all posts by Ana
Dotz Cord Identifier tags. The original link where I found the photo was a little haywire but I was able to find the product on Cable Ties and More and on Ebay selling these as a set for no more the $10. (via szymon)
Simple wooden desk and chair are offset with shades of blue and white reminiscent of vintage dinnerware. (via visual notes)
Budtrap is a great little doodad that attaches to your iPhone or other electronic device, wrapping around the headphone jack and providing two notches that help to hold the cables in place when wrapped around the device. No more tablges or unsightly mess! Buy one for $5.95, two for $9.95 or a pack of five…
Handcrafted leather iPhone/iTouch case. $38 (from tovicorrie on etsy)
A clean simple workspace. The details are written in Spanish so I cannot provide any other details except to say, yum! (via Fácil y Sencillo)
The New York Times featured the reclaimed warehouse apartment of Frances Whitehead and James Elniski, faculty members at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. The space utilizes flat files from Ikea as well as lots of light and hard wearing glazed cement floors (via Apartment Therapy)