Haily’s Home Office Tour— tucked into 100 square feet of space . Feels airy! (via Apartment Therapy Unplggd)
Showing all posts by Ana
Size Isn’t Everything: Tiny Workstations For Small Places (via Apartment Therapy Unplggd)
From Re-Nest’s 10 Inspirational Artist Workspaces Roundup, I found a visual of Frank Chimero’s workspace. Of course, its the perfect mix of minimal cool and quirky. (via Apartment Therapy Re-Nest)
the workstead desk (via Design*Sponge)
George Bernard Shaw’s Writing Hut
George Bernard Shaw’s writing hut, dubbed “London” so his staff wouldn’t be lying when they said he had “gone to London.” (via Famous Writers’ Small Writing Sheds and Off-the-Grid Huts | Apartment Therapy Re-Nest and Shedworking)
The cover for the new Work/Life 2 from Uppercase would make a fantastic poster for the office. Its acutally a directory of illustrators which I am sure would be equalliy inspiring but I’d like a poster just the same. (via UPPERCASE)
Snag this Poolga Paper Pack #8 for iPhone,
Snag this Poolga Paper Pack #8 for iPhone, Android, or iPad. Great office supply visuals! (via B R I G H T)