Vintage-y Scripto eraser box (by me)
Showing all posts by Ana
I scored this unused vintage “ledger” at the antique mall this weekend. It appears to a pocket sized address book though it could have been used for a number of purposes. I love the creamy yellow pages, think blue lines and the tabbed alphabetical cut-outs. (by me)
Various vintage packages (by me)
Vintage expanding-file folder in mint condition form Agent Obsolete on Ebay. Oh, how I love that plaid! (by me)
Thanks to years working at Hallmark, I am a loyal user of 3x5s for notes, reminders and various writing needs. The 3×5 has a long history at Hallmark including the infamous “When you care enough to send the very best” having originally been jotted down on a ubiquitous 3×5 before being immortalized on the back…
Book Review: Script & Scribble: The Rise & Fall of Handwriting
Script and Scribble: The Rise and Fall of Handwriting by Kitty Burns Florey is an overview of history of handwriting. I was distracted by some page layout issues in the book, particularly in the first chapter where the footnotes were mis-numbered and some of the photos butted up against the text. I hated that the…