This is a loving portrait of the tried-and-true Pink Pearl eraser by Jordan Crane. Its a 26”x4-” silkscreen print available for $40. (via Boing Boing)
Showing all posts by Ana
We have inspired others! Congrats to Iamdawt for finding this sweet faux woodgrain labelmaker. Go forth and thrift for your own labeller — no batteries required! iamdawt: Reading about The Well Appointed Desk’s collection of vintage label makers made me want one again. I spotted this one at Savers the other day, came with one…
This is a little sneak peek of Jess Loraas’s workspace. All the printers and misc technology are hidden in the cupboards to help keep the space clutter-free. (via Design*Sponge)
(by heather pauline)
The Any Camera Bag Insert
The Any Bag Camera Bag Insert from Photojojo Store will let you turn any bag, purse or tote into a well-insulated camera bag. Its no longer necessary to search endlessly for the perfect camera bag because you can just slide this insert into any bag large enough to hold it. Its padded and water-resistant to…
Finally, a reason to have lots of notebooks! Use each notebook for specialized tasks. The example given is for writers to keep three separate notebooks: one for Morning Pages, one for sketching out story ideas and a third that’s portable for catching ideas on the go. I have divided my writings to my day planner,…
This darling little Illustrated Pencil Pin is just $5 on Etsy from a friend I know at work. I think she’s officially an honorary member of the Well-Appointed Desk for this pin alone. (via Benandi on Etsy)