I am not a fan of color e-book readers for actual reading. I find the backlit screens to be tiresome to my eyes after awhile and the glossy screens to be all but useless in daylight. I, do however, find e-readers with black-and-white e-ink to be immensely satisfying for reading. I researched for ages trying…

This stunning personal stationery is from French manufacturer G. Lalo who has been in business for almost 100 years. So luxurious. If you’re going to take the time to write a letter, make it something worth remembering from the words on the page to the paper you choose. (via G. Lalo)

SketchNotes is a series being featured on Core77 about visual note taking. Its not about sketching or drawing specifically but how you can employ some visual communication techniques to note taking that will help you remember a meeting or lecture more clearly. As you can see from the sample image, its not full of beautifully…

I’ve been meaning to post about the Greenroom line of notebooks that are available in most Target stores across the country. They are pretty, fun, eco and cheap. So, what are you waiting for? Next time you need TP and laundry detergent, take a detour down the stationery aisle and pick up a new notebook.…

Use office supply stickers and price dots to create your own tabbed notebook. Fold stickers in half and adhere them to the edge of pages. To do the same thing with the dots, just use one dot on the front and one on the back! Brilliant! (via Martha Stewart Crafts)