Almost every job, project, or hobby nowadays seems to require some photography. Whether its showing a client a new product, selling something on Craig’s List or Ebay or documenting your latest creation, there is going to come a moment where you’re going to need to photograph something. Why not make that photo something others will…
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Starting Thursday, Kasbah Moderne will be featured on with their wonderful fully-restored vintage typewriters. Let the clatter of keys begin! (via
Ephimicropolis was built from varying stacks of office staples to create this urban landscape. (via Peter Root)
Modern, urban minimalism at its finest. (via BODIE and FOU)
What a great way to put all that deco tape to good use building a freeform research/inspiration/mood board. (via Dekorer med tape – Boligliv)
Beautiful space — simple and bold. (via bijou lovely)
The INSEKT desk was design by children’s designer, Kellie Smits. The desk has lots of cubbies for storing paper and ephemera with space at the center top for additional storage and cable management. The desk is available through the webshop of Buisjes en Beugels. (via April and May)