The truly recyclable notepad! This is a ceramic “tablet” that can written upon with a dry-erase marker and used over and over. Love the spiral notebook look but a stray ceramic tile would work just as well. £13.50 (via

Bread-Tie Cable Labels

I have been collecting plastic bread bag ties for years and never knew what I could do with them. Thanks to Unplugged, I can now use them to label the cable spaghetti. They recommend labelling the cables at both ends. I recommend making sure you use the same colored tag as well. If you’re lucky,…

Notebooks Stories recently reviewed the Rubberband brand notebooks. The book that caught my attention was the plain black A5-ish sized book. It has very flexible leather-like covers that sandwiches bright orange plain paper. Rubberband also makes a Japanese-style sewn bound book that combines two different colors of paper stock that is lined with a small…

I daresay this may be the week of the paperclip. First vintage paperclips, then novelty binder clips and now a paperclip tote. If there was ever a time to pronounce your affinity for the lowly paperclip, this may be it. $24 (via ModCloth)

This notepad from Kokuyo is not just perforated across the top edge… oh, no. This little notepad is perforated all over so that you can clip out sections of notes to save, share or reorganize on a whim. Only the Japanese would think something like this up. 80pp of graph paper just $4.50. Also available…