Do you need a desk? Why not make your own. Thanks to Strawberry Chic, it looks pretty easy to make a vintage looking table. All the materials necessary can be found at your local Home Depot and the whole project can be completed over one weekend. (via Strawberry Chic)

Morning Pages

Lots of people have attempted to do Julia Margaret Cameron’s The Artist’s Way morning pages at some point in time. If you’re not familiar with the concept, the idea is that by writing three pages every morning, you can clear the mental clutter and get down to the core of your “real work” whether that…

Once again, Rad and Hungry found some wonderful vintage paper clips while traveling the world. radandhungry: Beautiful old box of ‘skavas’ aka clamps or staples. Scored this piece of magic in a touristy shop in Jūrmala selling everything from vacation packages, speedos, honey, and a few leftover pieces of office supplies. Leftovers rule!   (STMT X Latvia…