Sylvan Townaround Pencil Bicycle at Interbike. Talk about combining two of my loves into one object! (by Lovely Bicycle!)
Showing all posts by Ana
Use Google maps to create a personalized envelope. Read the comments for details on how to orient the map in order to get this to work even if your letter is traveling from east to west or south to north. (via Craziest Gadgets)
The Le Pen is a total guilty pleasure for me. I remember in my pre-teens I discovered Le Pen and much to the displeasure of my school teacher’s insisted in writing all my homework and papers in one of the more flamboyant colors as teeny, tiny as I possibly could. I’ve noticed a resurgence of…
Just a desk and a bit of flat surface creates a space for bills and writing letters, this one was made from an old cabinet, a stool and a plank of wood. (via niceroom from my 2nd life)
Beautifully recycled junk mail envelopes with a safety pattern are reversed and sealed with washi tape in contrasting patterns. (by Eco_Monster)
These beautiful wooden envelope templates can be used to create your own envelopes. The large template is sold out but the small is available for $11. (via Paper Pastries)
This is one of the prettiest cell phone cases I’ve seen in a long time. Its called the CORTEO by Nuria Moraand and costs $35. (via Society6)