Another handwritten card in the card catalog at the Multnomah County Public Library in 2005. (by Lost Dutchman)
Showing all posts by Ana
This is one samples from a selection of old handwritten library cards done is variations of Melvil Dewey’s “library hand” which I am now completely smitten with. (via Penn History)
French Ruled Paper
I think French Séyès paper, the standard lined paper used by French students, is the perfect practice paper for improving penmanship. Gridded both vertically and horizontally and providing four narrow rules between each grid block provides space for ascenders, descenders and uppercase letterforms. An assortment of sizes and formats of French-ruled notebooks from Clairefontaine are…
Dewey Library Hand
Its no secret that in my other reality, I would have been a librarian. My love of books and ephemera knows no bounds so while I’ve been searching for handwriting techniques, its no surprise that I discovered Melvil Dewey’s Library Hand which has become my favorite style and the one to which I will aspire.…
Presidential Penmanship
After posting the image of President Obama and his noticably “hooked” writing position, I was curious to see what his handwriting actually looked like. Was it illegible, juvenile or awkward? Nope. Mr. Obama actually has quite an elegant, legible hand. This image is a letter he wrote in reply to one of the letters he…
Ask The Desk: Better Handwriting
A reader asked: I was wondering, since your interest and expertise, you would not happen to know how I can become a better writer? I am talking about the real live writing, the physical act, not as in my style, … I have horrible handwriting and would like to improve that … But I can’t…
The crafty workspace of Emma Lamb. I try to stick to office and workspaces that are not specific to art-making or craft but maybe I’m starting to broaden my horizons. I like new top on the old wooden desk and the lace trim added to the shelves. Dreamy and sweet. (via emma lamb)